Port Pilotage

Rules & Regulations

Port pilotage - Rules and Regulations


In Danish ports and territorial waters, the mandatory use of pilot is regulated in the Danish Pilotage Act and the corresponding Order as set forth by the Danish Authorities.

The aim of the Danish Pilotage Act and the corresponding Order is to safeguard the environment and ensure the safety at sea for all vessels navigating in Danish territorial waters.

In addition to the general regulations found in the Danish Pilotage Act, a number of ports and geographical areas are subject to local regulations and requirements for the use of pilot owing to local conditions.


If you have port specific questions please contact Customer Relations at customer@danpilot.dk or DanPilot Operations at danpilot@danpilot.dk

Danish Pilotage Act - General Regulations

As per the Danish Pilotage Act, it is mandatory to use a pilot for vessels passing to or from Danish ports and/or anchorages in Danish territorial waters, if the vessel;

  1. Carry oil or have uncleaned cargo tanks (including slop tanks) that have not been rendered safe with inert gas
  2. Carry chemicals –defined as IBC Code products type X, Y, Z
  3. Carry gasses
  4. Carry more than 5.000 mt bunker oil
  5. Carry highly radioactive materials

Danish Pilotage Act can be found here. (section 4)

Executive Order 1848 - Additional Regulations

As per the Executive Order 1848 of December 20th 2020, a number of geographical areas and ports in Denmark have been subjected to local requirements for mandatory use of pilot due to the nature of the areas and the local conditions. Please view the Executive Order here, or contact DanPilot Operations for advice – we are happy to help.


As per the Executive Order 1848 of December 20th 2020, special regulations apply for towing operations. Please view the Executive Order here, or contact DanPilot Operations for advice – we are happy to help.